Monday, August 3

Finding Buzz about you on the web

You've decided that you want to track and respond to social media - blogs and reviews - and you're getting things lined up to make that happen. Excellent.

Now, how do you find it?

There are (at least) four places you can go to start your search.
With each of these tools you can set up your search with your company's name (or even your competitor's name ... but I don't generally recommend responding to posts about them). Then you can set up an RSS feed so that you can easily watch for updates out there in the blogosphere.

Also - while the tools are always being updated, they may not do a very good job (if at all) of hitting social networks like MySpace or FaceBook. So you may need to search those separately. On top of that you may want to look for other feeds that are industry specific. For instance, if you are in the travel or tourism industry, you likely want to do a search of

Interestingly, each of these tools may bring you different results. So, you may want to start by using them all and then pare back to the few that seem to work best for you.

Finally - you may wonder if a given blog is worth responding to. One way to know is to look at the "authority" of the blogger. To determine this, head over to Technorati. They calculate authority by looking at all links from unique blogs from the past 6 months. That means your rank will change daily based upon your blog's activity for a rolling 180 days. The higher the authority, the more people probably look at the blog, and the more likely that the blog is worth responding to. However, just because a blog doesn't have high authority doesn't mean you should ignore it. It can always become the mouse that roared.