Friday, April 3

The coming death of Facebook

Do you "Facebook"? reported recently on "Death by boredom -- the slow demise of Facebook." I get this. How many times do you need to know that your buddy is eating chips, watching bad TV, or countless other tidbits of personal hygiene that people post as updates?

Most of us who are on Facebook went on there to find out about friends from the past (and maybe more to the point, significant others like girlfriends). Once the thrill of that is gone, you don't have much left.

Something will eclipse the Facebook fad at some point in the not too distant future ... and we'll all be back on there too.

For marketers the point is that you shouldn't blow your entire marketing budget on something like Facebook, and you definitely shouldn't look to it as a long-term strategy. It can make up a piece of your advertising strategy for now. But that's all.

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