Wednesday, December 10

Have you seen Hancock?

Hancock was released earlier this year and is out on video now. In summary it is a story about a down-on-his-luck superhero who has fallen way out of favor with the public. That's one way to look at it. I was more intrigued by the Branding theme in the movie. Really, the superhero in this movie is the Marketer!

As a quick overview:
  • Hancock is loathed by the public
  • Hancock is "discovered" by a PR consultant
  • PR consultant recognizes that Hancock's brand is way out of line
  • PR consultant works with Hancock to revitalize the brand
  • Hancock is golden!

Want to be a Marketing Super Hero? I recommend two things you need to do to start that:
  1. Watch the movie.
  2. Do a Brand Audit of your own company, product, or service to find a path to becoming golden.

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