Friday, December 12

So, you want to be a VP of Marketing?

A few weeks back I wrote a blog about how I stumbled upon a job posting trend for GoGo dancers. I compared that to VP of Marketing positions, and found that GoGo dancers may have better prospects. Well - just kidding a bit.

In any event, I went back to Simply Hired and ran a few more searches. An interesting one is to run a comparison of hiring for VP of Marketing, VP of Operations, and VP of Finance. From that you will see that the VP of Marketing jobs are hot from about February to October. In contrast, the VP of Operations jobs & VP of Finance jobs are relatively hot all year long.

Anyhow - here's the "live graph". It might be interesting to watch this over time.

(Hey ... what's going on. That graph has shown VP of Marketing jobs as being hot from Feb to October for a couple of weeks now. I just looked at the graph after publishing it, and now it is a nice steady line. Bizarre. Anyway, ... that's data from a third party.)

Come back to this blog often to see the graph in action.

Visit Market GoGo to find out how we can help you with your Marketing plans and execution.

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