Thursday, December 18

Top 10 Marketing Trends for 2009: #1. Integrated Interactive Campaigns

I'm assuming that I'll get about 10 posts in between now and Dec. 31. So, in that time I'm going to try to list out ten things that I believe will become prevalent marketing / advertising / branding / web practices in 2009. To start things off:

Accelerated Shift from traditional advertising to Integrated Interactive Campaigns
As newspapers continue their slow march towards death, along with other traditional forms of print, and TV's market becomes more fragmented (and consequently less effective), and the economy continues to crater, Marketers are going to be searching out the most efficient advertising media. What is that? Online web advertising is the key. It is measurable (making the Finance department happy), and it works (making the CEO and investors happy). But, let's face it, people still continue to consume massive amounts of media through the TV, print, out-of-home, mobile, and other types of advertising. What is the best way to use these?

  1. First off, what is the goal of advertising? To get your prospect to take action and become a customer.
  2. Secondly, what is the goal of the campaign? Retail / Convert? Sign-up? Brand awareness?
One big trend in 2009 will be Integrated Interactive Online + Traditional Campaigns. I believe that in 2009 campaigns featuring traditional media that will include a call-to-action to participate in interactive campaigns through the web and mobile devices will become a standard way of:
  • Allowing prospects to become customers (e.g. participate with us to get your instant coupon),
  • Getting prospects and customers to sign-up for promotional emails (e.g. sign-up for an instant saving, and also for future savings ... the "flyers" of tomorrow), and
  • Building an ongoing relationship with the brand (e.g. play with us and learn more about our products and services).

Will I be right? The year will tell!

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