Monday, January 26

How big is the web?

Want to expand your worldwide marketing reach? You better be marketing on the web!

comScore has just announced that the Global Internet Audience has just surpassed 1 billion Visitors. ONE BILLION. That's a big number.

That number includes people 15 and over who accessed the internet from home or work in December 2008.

1 billion definitely is a big number. But a bigger number is the world's population at 6.756 billion people. Many of the 5.756 billion people who don't currently have access to the internet are in developing countries, and don't have access to fancy computers or high-speed connections. However, watch for many more people to come online in 2009 as the internet continues its trek into hand-held devices with wireless access (including cell-phones, PDAs, and the new cheap netbooks.

If I were to bet an advertising dollar on where to place ads, I'd look at the most popular web properties, which include:
  • Google Sites, visited by 77% of the total internet audience
  • Microsoft Sites, 64%
  • Yahoo! Sites, 56%
Additionally, I'd look to some of the top entities that support online advertising. Among those, I've worked with that I've had very good results from:
Want some help planning or tuning your own Online Marketing for those 1 billion surfers who you are hoping find you? Contact Market GoGo now to get started.

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