Thursday, January 22

Trends for 2009: #9. RFP Responses will be critical

There's a lot of Government money lining up to be spent in 2009. The buzz word for the year may well be "Infrastructure". If you are in a position to deliver products or services through some of these programs, then you will probably need to craft great RFP responses to get noticed to help do the work.

Of course, RFP Responses only impacts a small sub-set of the Marketing World - that is, Marketing and Sales folks who work in the B2B (or the B2G) space.

What's a B2B / B2G Marketer to do in 2009?
  • Sharpen your pencil and fill up your printer with new toner and good quality printing stock
  • Get to know the purchasing people in Government offices at all levels, and get on their RFP lists
  • Search long and hard for RFPs that suit your business
  • Fully understand each RFP and what problem it really seeks to solve
  • Create a compelling RFP response that clearly shows the client you understand their problem, and clearly tells the story of how you will help them resolve that problem.

Will I be right? The year will tell!

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