Image via CrunchBase
Also - there are lots of comments like:
(There are a lot of inflammatory and unnecessary comments as well - these are a few good ones that apply to United Airlines, and the airline industry in general.)
- Like a SPinal Tap amp, your revenge goes up to 11. Amazing job sir - hats off to Sons of Maxwell. It is exactly this kind of systemic anti-customer culture that makes people dislike companies like United. Fire the baggage handlers and make every United employee view this video. Oh, and if they repeat their interest in this video for training purposes...SELL IT it them. Say, free airfare for life and first class seat for your guitar. Brilliant vid!!!!!
- damn! I could write a full Broadway musical and it still wouldn't cover all the crap I've taken from Air Canada over the years!
- One of the best You Tube videos ever. Beautiful way to get back at the impersonal airline industry in general. United and the others badly need to get their act together and start delivering good customer service again.
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