Monday, February 16

Narrowing the Focus of Market GoGo

I'm going to take some of my own advice. The advice = Narrow Your Focus.

What does that mean?

It is easy to take the shotgun approach to offering services. However, you then you don't "own" a word in a consumer's mind. When I started Market GoGo I was definitely doing the shotgun approach, covering off:
  • Brand Audits
  • Web Advertising and Marketing Strategies
  • Marketing Project Management
  • Call Centre Projects
  • RFP Development and Responses
Today, I'm narrowing my focus. I'll slashing off the bottom two things. The fun stuff (for me) are the top three services. So, if you check out Market GoGo's revamped website in the next few days you will find that the three services Market GoGo ONLY offers now are:
  • Brand Audits
  • Web Advertising and Marketing Strategies
  • Marketing Project Management
Contact Market GoGo to learn more about how we can help you with these strategic projects.

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