Friday, February 6

Trends for 2009: #20. Growth Areas - You can't do without them!

There are some parts of our economy that will continue to grow - regardless of the economic blahs we're faced with in 2009. In fact, they might grow in spite of the blahs, or even because of them.

People don't have a choice in consuming some of these things, and these are also things that Governments will throw money into in 2009 to help prop up the sagging economy. Those things are:
  • Health Care. This is a really broad market. People want to get & stay healthy - so there is a lot of opportunity in things that will help them achieve that, ranging from running shoes to the Wii Fit. People also end up in Hospitals. So - anything serving this market will do well.
  • Education. When the economy fades people need to reinvent themselves. Enrollment at MBA schools is a good economic indicator in that sense. So - anything that provides educational services will probably do will.
  • Government. Governments spend their way out of economic downturns. So - responding to Government RFPs is a great hobby during a recession.
What is a Marketer to do in 2009? Strategies to follow include:
  • Develop products and services that have health benefits.
  • Develop products and services that have educational benefits.
  • Figure out where to look for Government RFPs and watch for opportunities.

Will I be right? The year will tell!

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