Tuesday, February 10

Thank you Forrester Research! U.S. e-commerce comeback seen by 2010

Reuters reported last week that a Forrester Research report indicates:
  • E-commerce in the United States is expected to climb back to last year's levels by 2010 after experiencing slowing growth in 2009 due to the recession, a research group said on Monday.
  • Online sales in 2010 could reach approximately $176.9 billion, representing 13 percent growth, said Forrester Research in its five-year e-commerce forecast.
  • Last week, the group released data saying the online retail channel was expected to grow 11 percent to $156 billion in 2009, below the 13 percent growth seen in 2008, and the 15 percent growth it had earlier predicted for 2009.
Historically there have been few recessions that have lasted for much more than a year. So, get ready for next year now! It's a GREAT time to figure out your e-commerce strategies and put them into action. Service providers are hungry for your business, and your competitors may be battening down the hatches rather than setting sail.

Have a look at Market GoGo's website to see how we can help you get your e-commerce ship in order.

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