Thursday, February 26

Customer Satisfcation Survey -- Up & Running on

Thanks to the good folks at iPerceptions and Avinash Kaushik, I have put a customer satisfaction survey on the Market GoGo website.

Why is customer satisfaction important to measure through a tool like the 4Q survey? You may already be using an analytics program like Google Analytics, WebTrends, or Omniture. These will tell you how people surfed around on your site, but they won't tell you what they were trying to do, if they achieved that, and what would have helped them better. A good customer satisfaction survey will. Subsequently, that will help you figure out what changes you need to make to your site to help you ensure that your site achieves your goals.

While the 4 free questions will suit my needs for now, a bigger or more complex organization will probably want to be able to ask a few more questions. That's where iPerceptions can offer you a more customized solution that will provide even better information.

What's it like? Check it out at
(You may have to surf around a bit on the Market GoGo site to find it, as it pops up randomly.)

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