Monday, February 2

We got our new TV ...

But TV still sucks.

We bought a beautiful 40" Sony Z series LCD, with a Sony Blu Ray player, a Sony Home Theater system, and an HD-PVR.
  • There is no question that the picture is bigger, brighter, and more beautiful than our old TV. Even when we just have the new TV processing the old analog channels.
  • The sound is clearly better. From time-to-time I look over my shoulder to see where that dog is that is barking in the background. Wow, it is just the great speakers.
  • The Blu Ray DVD is fantastic. The picture is almost too good.
  • The quality of the image and sound from the digital TV really is a step up. When you flip back and forth between the digital stations and the analog you can see the difference. But, I have to think that will be fleeting. In a couple of weeks, I won't care.
  • Yah, and the HDTV is just a bit better quality picture and sound too.
BUT! Who cares. The quality of the shows themselves still suck. Our choice last night included ... Law and Order (in a couple of different versions), CSI (also in a couple of different versions), news, news, news, & more news, talk news, political news, real-life TV shows, Two and a Half Men, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Crashed, and a bunch of other trash. What crap.

It is a sad waste of great technology to film and broadcast such crap content in digital and HD. No wonder TV advertising revenue is falling.

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