Wednesday, February 25

Narrowed Focus

It's been a few days since I posted. Apologies to everyone who follows this regularly. Thanks for following me as a matter of fact!

I've been busy working on a web tourism marketing report for a client, so I haven't had a chance to get to my blog or site.

Yesterday ... I updated Market
Now I'm only focusing on three things:
  • Brand Audits,
  • Web Marketing (advertising, sales, & service), and
  • Marketing Project Management.
Now, the site still needs to be made to look better and do more things ... but that's all just part of the ongoing maturity process for the site. While my focus is on the business and brand strategy behind Brand Audits, Web Marketing, and Marketing Project Management, I'll admit I'm no artist or technical wiz in terms of actually putting a site together. So, part of updating is the journey of learning more about how a website actually goes together.

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