Thursday, February 12

Will the PVR kill TV Advertising?

NO! I got a new TV, PVR, and all the other widgets a few weeks back. I wondered if it would change the way I watch TV and ignore the ads. My observations so far about my PVR'ing habits:
  • When I'm fast forwarding through the ads, I actually have to watch the ads. I can't tune them out and do something else.
  • Ads with their brand ikon big and bold in the middle of the screen for a long time really pop out.
  • Clearly I can't hear the ad.
If I were making a TV ad for the "PVR generation", I'd:
  • Work on hooks that would work with sight alone - Perhaps an ad solely for PVR people shot in slow-mo, but with signs held by the actors, an introduction pop-out saying "PVR tuned ad from " and with a warning about 10 seconds before the end of the (regular speed) ad that says "HIT PLAY NOW. This sound advice brought to you by ". Of course, for that last bit to work, the ad would always need to be the last one before the show returned.
  • Have silent ads. Why waste the sound. Plus, a silent ad will attract the attention of a viewer who is watching the ad live. With the appropriate pop-outs during that ad, there will be a touch of appealing humor.
  • Keep your brand name up or pop it up frequently throughout the commercial. It needs to be big, probably centered (to avoid getting lost in the fray of the PVR's own overlays), and displayed for long times.

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