Monday, February 16

Free Surveys

For my latest client I have been looking into analytics tools. There are two kinds of Web Analytic Tools that are important:
  • Traffic source and path analysis - Tools like Google Analytics, Omniture Site Catalyst, and WebTrends
  • Direct survey data - Tools like iPerceptions and ForeSee Results which allow you to actually ask the customer about their experience on your site and how successful they were in completing the task they set out to when they hit your site.
The iPerceptions team pointed me to - which is a project by Avinash Kaushik and iPerceptions - that will provide you a free survey solution that allows you to ask 4 set (but somewhat customizable) questions.

I love the idea. It even fits with one of my Marketing Trends for 2009.
In fact, I loved the idea so much that I'm implementing it on my own website! Check it out at

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